Java Refactoring

About the Client

A leading IT firm providing Cloud Migration services and applications for several reputed clients in need for rebranding and faster customizations.

The Business Challenge

The server migration tool in question was a leading enabler of Cloud Migration application for several clients, but with time was in need of rebranding and faster customizations.

It was also important to carefully abstract the business logic such that it becomes easy to scale and to customize.

The client was also looking for reusable design along with enforcing best practices to code and development.

How Whitehedge helped

Considering the prevalent business challenges, Whitehedge started analysing the code after which it was decided to break it down into the following modules:

  • REST API Service Layer written in JAVA-GWT, which could perform the REST API
  • Request-Response Layer that could translate the hashmaps (key, value based object) into JSON string and Vice-Versa.
  • Routing layer which decides which services to be invoked.
  • Controller layer which had actual implementations.
  • Pluggable views (from the development perspective). The philosophy was to have quick and dirty approach, so the views could be added and removed on demand.
  • Easy White-labelling: This was to modify the look and feel of the same application with respect to a specific client.

With the help of technologies like JAVA-GWT, Python, Piston and RabbitMQ, the entire implementation was done following the 12-Factor Apps methodology and was turned into a standardized development practise.

The Benefits

Post refactoring, the application was highly scalable, easily customizable and version controlled.

Excellent customer adaptability was achieved.

Code reusability helped the client to build a couple of other applications reusing the same code base.

About WhiteHedge

WhiteHedge Technologies is an end-to-end software services and solutions provider to global clients with operations spread across US, Europe and India. WhiteHedge has a team of professionals with expert level experience in various technological and functional domain areas. WhiteHedge offers various engagement models to get engaged with the clients to deliver better business value proposition.


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