WhiteHedge helped one of the largest satellite channel providers in the world to launch the low latency, high throughput advertising platform


Customer is a leading cable, satellite and internet television channel provider delivering sports content worldwide. They have a huge customer base of over 90 million paid subscription as well as a customer base from other regular medium. They were trying to come up with a new product which would help marketers serve relevant ads to its customers based on various parameters like favorite team, player, location to name a few.


WhiteHedge was required to setup cloud based infrastructure to meet the demanding SLA of 5 milliseconds response time for serving relevant advertisements to a large customer base while serving 1 million requests per second.


AWS Cloud infrastructure setup for low latency, high throughput requests


We created infrastructure with auto-scaling scripts with custom resource thresholds so that we have servers provisioned well ahead of
time ready to serve requests quickly. Zabbix monitoring framework was implemented to ensure health of the servers & application.

WhiteHedge developed environment provisioning scripts to provision environments from scratch and for infrastructure monitoring & healing.

On top of this our team worked on some advanced level network tuning at both system and kernel level to achieve the magic number of 1 million users/sec.


WhiteHedge’s use of monitoring software & auto-scaling scripts yielded in controlling costs. We helped the customer build out the infrastructure in a short period of time this contributing to very small cycle for time to market & get it right the first time.

WhiteHedge came up with a unique approach for auto-scaling that met our critical SLAs & was cost- effective. WhiteHedge DevOps team brought their problem solving skills to build the infrastructure that helped us serve million requests per second without increasing response time. Theself-healing platform was a greataddition by the team.

Head of Advertising Platform

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